Fort Wayne Arthur Murray has something big coming to its website and we are dying to invite you all to be apart of this! It’s new, exciting, and another way for all of you to connect more with our studio family and your personal dancing. So what is this new amazing thing? It’s called… “Arthur's Dancevine!”


We have brought a blog to life meant to motivate, excite, inform, and entertain as you progress forward in your dancing. As you go through different stages of your dancing you will find yourselves bouncing between feelings of excitement, anxiety, doubt, and accomplishment. We want to bring inspiration and enlightenment to your dance life through stories, informational posts, interviews, and more.   

This blog is meant to encourage you as you find your place in our Arthur Murray family. All of our instructors are always seeking ways to bring fun, excitement, and joy to your lives. We want this to become a Fort Wayne Arthur Murray plug-in for our current and future students so that you’re able to dig deeper in your dancing. We hope you all enjoy being apart of this blog as much as we are about it presenting it to you. Every one of us care for your well-being and want to make a difference in your life through dance.

So check us out and let us know what you think! There will be regular updated posts so you don’t find yourselves reading the same old things. And if any of you have ideas you would like to see transformed into a blog, let us know and we will bring it to life through the magic of “Arthur's Dancevine.”